Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you?
Congrats! You'll get to read little wingdings from me all month! Consider it a Catch-Up with Callie month.
One words that encapsulates 2010: LOVE
Yes, it sounds so boring. As I was cleaning out my ears in the bathroom this morning, I was thinking of what the word would be. And the word LOVE just floated to the top of all my thoughts. I experience a lot of lovin' in my daily life and most days I rarely acknowledge it in public! Love from my volunteers who send me little messages, love from my dog when he races up the stairs ahead of me so he can sit and get his ears scratched, and even love from the people I go to church with.
And even as I go on and on about love and love and love, the real big love of 2010 has been Crystal.
The word for 2011 will hopefully be: Gentleness. I just like the way it sounds.
Gentleness sounds divine. I agree!
I'd like to say PEACE for 2011 but maybe I'd have to say NEW. And for 2010 it's tougher. Maybe APPOINTED, including DIS- in regard to national politics. Maybe TEA! And maybe STRETCHED.
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