24 December 2011


Blogvomit: To hurriedly catch up on prompts at the end of the year!

Dec 19: What was the best decision you've made this year?
I finally gave up Charlela Lane (the worst street name in all of America that sounds just like an old French whore) and took up with John Smith Dr. From a French whore to a syphilitic guy who loved Pocahontas. Yep! 

Dec 20: Who came into your life in 2011?

Hmmm this one is a toughy. I don't like to make too many new friends because I'm weird like that. A whole bunch of new volunteers came into my life. And I'm guessing older volunteers who are done probably left my life too. You win some, you lose some.

Dec 21: What did you learn?

I learned a lot of geography. I can drive from home to New Windsor, MD without a map! I memorized all of the interstates and their corresponding names and numbers this year, finally. (The Eisenhower is known as the Ike and as I-290!)

Dec 22: What gifts did you give? What gifts did you receive?

Disney World! My folks took my brother and his family, plus me to Walt Disney World this week. It was my mom's dream for her grandkids to see Disney for the first time. Receiving the gift of family time was a nice way to end 2011!

I gave a few gifts this year, too! A tent light, fancy chocolates, and some other little items were my highlights this!

Dec 23: What sunrise or sunset was most vivid?
Driving home from Champaign-Urbana to Schaumburg at an early hour 2 weeks back. The sun was just coming up over the horizon and it stayed on my right shoulder the whole drive back.

During summer orientation, we did a footwashing on the back side of the property with the sun slowly sinking down. Feet, grass, basin, towel, sunset. Perfect.

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