02 December 2012

Lawn chairs and granola!

What was the most delicious meal you ate?

Oh wow! This is a fun one! Crystal and I went camping for a week this summer in upper Michigan. Part of our festival fees went to providing 3 meals a day. Several mornings, we had granola, yogurt, and Michigan blueberries. It was so great! Michigan blueberries taste so perfect, they're almost indescribable.  When you camp at the festival, you're encouraged to bring your own dishes, wash them out with huge soap pumps of Dr. Bronner's soap, and re-use them the entire week. Right next to the food tent, is the structure to hang your dishes to air dry after washing them. In the early part of the week, I was sure that are dishes would get stolen. Sure enough, this festival was full of goodwill! We left lawn chairs under trees between concerts, clothes hanging everywhere to dry out from 2 days of heavy rain, everything came home with us! Take a look at one section of dishes drying out until the next meal!

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