12 December 2013


Where did you visit this year? 

I had lots of travels this year as usual. 

I heard music here (http://www.michfest.com/) for 7 (!) nights! Ferns were everywhere! The weather was cold at night, since we were in a tent! The food was great! Huge paper lanterns were launched into the night sky on the first evening!

I honeymooned here (http://www.sugarloafwomensvillage.com/Accommodations.html#2) for a week in April! Mosquitoes, humidity, seafood, sand, gobs of books! It was perfection!

I went to class here this semester (http://www.niu.edu/regional/rockford/). I-90 was completed under construction so there was a lot of speeding and then hitting the brakes and repeating of that scenario.

I also vacationed here (http://www.saugatuckcity.com/) this summer in a very last minute trip of camping! We ate well, spent time at Lake Michigan, and watched the fireworks until the mosquitoes chased us back to the car!

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